Friday, February 20, 2015


Compassion isn't national
It's more complex than multinational
Larger than international
It's spectacular
It's interstellar
Stuck between Orion's Belt and your heart
The gun has already sounded it's time to start

Love your neighbor
Help a stranger
Complete a puzzle with an orphan
Donate your organ

Compassion isn't an action read about
It's not a reason to sing aloud
Compassion is helping others without outside motivation

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Be Free

A dark black bird cage sits at her desk
A small red cardinal stands perched inside
The pretty little bird grows quite complacent
Yet unwillingly to cry out for help

His dark red feathers fade to grey
He becomes very sick
His wings no longer stretch 
His beak no longer pecks

One day the little girl wasn't feeling so well
So she put on her dark red dress 
When she went to pet her bird
She saw something she'd never forget

The dark red bird laid deeply saddened 
His adventurous heart was hurt trapped in a cage
She saw what must be done 

With the wind blowing 
She opened the cages door
Tears began pouring 
As she watched her grey bird become red once again

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I looked up into the clouds
And with all the courage I manifested
I walked over to her
Trying not to choke on my
Poem I previously digested
I with little hope and a lot of joke
Trying to earn my way into her heart

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I took the train today
It wasn't the same
There were awkward stares
And for some reason bears

As I observed
I notice something astonishing
It was my mind that's curved

There were no bears nor awkward stares
Rather my psyche compensating
For the lack of disorientating

Memories that scared me
Memories that formed
A disfigured green army man
And a torn apart teddy bear
To calmly rest in the frontal lobe

Soon today will be a memory
Yesterday only a is memory
The future is simply a memory

Photo by Jason Townsend at Jason Townsend Photography

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Wordsmith

With words tangled on my tongue
And faith hanging on by a rope
I dance with the thoughts of loss and regret
Shame taking my name and blame overwhelming me

Feeling my chest heave as I stop sobbing
Freeing my mind for one more moment
Fate written in stone yet it never seems clear enough
I know times are rough but be tough
Stay strong
You're not alone

A wordsmith once said
"Love never gives up
Never loses faith
And endures through all"
I know you have your back against a wall
And you're fighting it all
But stand strong and hold the hand of peace
Drop the hand of hate

Times are weary and hard
Look at me with your teary eyes and heart of gold
Put your hands up and declare
"I'm not alone!"
You're not alone

A wordsmith once said
"Love never gives up
Never loses faith
And endures through all"
Stand tall and be the beacon of hope you are

Go now
Take the hand of peace and live freely
Love all and regret none
Stay strong and keep the one

Friday, January 30, 2015

Mental Beaches

There's an ocean in my mind
Where thoughts of you
Get trapped in fish nets

There are waves that transcend time
Brain waves that send
Frosty froth and
Ideas that bend

Sailors pray
That another day
They'll stay
For together they
Will venture into the fray

Once more you appear to me
Then out to the sea
You continue your journey
Through my mind's whipping sea

As quickly as you've come
More quickly you go
A heart as bright as a sun
How I feel you'll never know

Verily you view
A part of me
Never renewed
By poetry

Monday, January 26, 2015

Words That Rhyme

Cowering in a corner of my psyche
Hiding what’s inside me
Knowing this isn’t the end
Not falling in the wind

An anchor of regrets
Is trying to out-weigh me
Weaving grace and love together as a net
To catch hope lost in the sea

Fearfully I make my plea
Trying to fight what’s inside me
Dancing around like a crazed monkey
Fighting to finally see the sea

Nothing has ever been so clear
It’s strange to finally know
That I know why I’m here
It’s like seeing the first flakes of snow

The meaning behind words that rhyme
Is so you can read
Between the lines

And maybe plant the right seed

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I know it's been years since you've gone but I still miss you
I miss the way you helped us
I miss the way you could hold us together 
I miss the loving hugs and your caring questions 

You were so strong in the face of death
You held it together when no one else could
You were a great chef
But a better Nana

Life stings and hurts us
I just wish I could hear your sweet soft voice
I wish I could be a kid again and you hold me and tell me it will be ok
I miss you Nana 
I'll never forget the legacy you left me

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Pen

The pen is an extension of my heart
It's a part of me
It releases things inside my soul

The pen is the key
To the deepest parts of me
Inside me is a vast sea
Of thoughts and shipwrecked memories

Through this part of me
I'm able show to you
I open up me seeing if you will read

Between these lines I write
There are countless sleepless nights
With endless tears shed

So when you read
Remember there is more to it
Than simply just scribbles in a notepad
This pen is me
Read and find you

Monday, January 19, 2015

His Child-like Dance

Death died love came to life
Crying all night
Strength evading sight

Worship our Father
Realize there isn't another
Your sin is over
Then end isn't near
The way will come clear

Stand up and find your purpose
How can you sit when He's dancing all around you?
You aren't a lifeless corpse
You know this to be true

Thursday, January 15, 2015

His Love

He's death defying purifying and baptizing your love
In the power of his mercy
Stop cursing the day you set foot on earth and realize your birth has meaning
Stop leaning on your own understanding
Find the truth within his crucifixion
His love is like a fire scorching off your sins
Take your heart off the shelf and let it melt in him
His arms are stretched wide
So abide under his wings
Let his love fill your life
You'll stop your strife
With faith like a mustard seed you'll be needless and heedless
Fearfully you will stumble but humbly you won't crumble
Through faith you're life won't be simply painted but purely stated as the voice of a generation
To bring a revolution of revelation to the all that hear
You have a connection to him like a vine to a branch
It's a love you can't catch something that has never ever been and never ever will be again  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

His Eye Sockets

See yourself through His eyes
Look at yourself through the right lens
Gods love isn't fearful or ceasing
It's cheerful and exceeding

Look at the way His son suffered
Hear the things they muttered
We must understand His love
With out it we aren't living
We are merely existing

We can't live a life of just us
You aren't a just
Not "just a kid"
Not "just a man"
Not "just a woman"
It's not something you did
You're unconditionally loved
Not ceasing
Never ending
Always sprinting
Always chasing

It's going to be ok
It's going to be alright
You'll never be with out Him
He will never turn his back on you
He won't forsake you
His intentions are true

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

God is Gooder

Another sleepless night
Another painful sight
Another time I've tried
Another time I've cried

I can't sleep so I turn to the page
Where nothing will matter besides truth
No one cares your age
Only that you sit at the right booth

You've failed to guess the ending
Based on the beginning
We will all continue sinning
But you don't have to keep spinning

Again it's another sleepless night
And a painful sight
That was another time I thought I tried
I just sat there and cried

We all get stuck in vicious cycles
We'll all keep walking for miles
Chains need to be broken
It's not the same old slogan
It's the truth with in us
We were meant to be the bull in the china shop
Not just a tear mop

I've sat and cried
I've continued to try
It might be a sleepless night
But I've seen a beautiful sight

Jesus is greater
God is better

Monday, January 12, 2015

An Unseen War

Once upon a midnight dreary
the Earth stood weak and weary
Winds and waves clashed
Demons and Angels danced

To and fro they swung
Swords and daggers dug deep into demonic scaly flesh

An unseen war was waged the day time was made
A war of choices and excuses
A war that has shaken hearts and lives to the core

Life and Love continue to walk hand in hand
Death and destruction gallop carelessly together
However they will never be the same

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mental Fallout

Demons roaming the barren wastelands of our minds
Lying and deceiving me what is mine
Arrows of lust and anger are cutting the air as they speed toward us
With our shield of faith
And sword of His word
We slice their lies in two

Possessed by anger and regret
You won't be much help
Give up your pointless bickering
And start to sing a new song
A song to show you aren't alone
In this battle not of flesh and bone
But of the things not shown

Listen to the words they use
Listen carefully and see
They aren't the words He has proclaimed over you
He doesn't make accusations
Instead proclamations of the truth

Live life loud and proud
Boast in Him and in your weakness
There you will find the strength to carry on

A war is waged in our minds
Not of light and dark
But of their words and the truth
We must know the truth before we fight

A war is being waged on the behalf of everyone to live and die a slave to themselves
Be yourself and don't hold anything back
You'll be accepted by few
And ignored by many
But it doesn't matter
Because you know the truth

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Trinity

Our minds can't fully comprehend the trinity
It is baffling and utterly jaw dropping
He's the son of man and the son of God
He's the God within and God with us
They don't shoot down lighting in a rod
Instead feed the hungry and hurt

He gives rest to the wicked
And a home to the homeless
Peace for the hell stricken
And a beating heart for the heartless

It's the Father God
His love unconditional
The Son of God
His face the most beautiful
The Holy Spirit
He lives amongst us all

The Holy trinity shows me something great
The holy trinity shows me how vast God is
It shows me how amazing He is
Ultimately it tells the story of the unconditional lover

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Leave a Legacy

Leave a legacy
Don't be just a memory
Or another grave stone
Realize your eternal home
Look up and see you aren't alone

Stop trying to fit in
You are not sin
Be the person you know you can be
Don't be the person they want to see
Watch before you begin to lean

Metaphors mentors and inventors
It's all the same
Christian isn't a shameful name
You aren't to blame for their ignorance
Stand tall in your bold stance

Your life is on the fence
Your mind is beaten and broken
You're weak and weeping
Stay strong for the storm will pass

Death awaits with every harmful blow
Lust and depression creep in at every show
These things I know
And I know you know them too

You are a beautiful mess
A perfect disgrace
A sinful perfection
It's the scandal of grace that puts us into this place
Know your worth and feel free to ask questions

I know your life is on the fence
I know your mind is beaten and broken
We are all weak and weeping
Stay strong this storm will pass
Stay strong this storm will pass

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

First Post

This is my first post so I figured I would start by saying I will be posting poems I've written. I plan on posting Monday through Friday. I thought I should start off by posting a poem about poetry. Enjoy!

A poet and a poem

Friends being thrown around like a clown at a rodeo
Little arguments turn into fist fights
Long nights and longer cries

A crisis of the mind
Mending of the heart is necessary
We are just ordinary
Until you see deep down into who we are

Freedom and pain ring through our minds
Death and long screams of terror echo through out the night

Poetry and poets are a lot alike
Both are symbols of lives ignored by a culture that rejects different
The odd ones out around the popular
A noticeable difference in the faces of the unloved
Crying and screaming while "yoloing" your way down this road of broken hearts and tragic hurts

A poet and a poem alone surrounded by many
A poet and a poem free while in chains
Another poet and another poem is all this world needs